- Shawn csaldjban tbbfle nemzetisg keveredik: walesi, magyar, olasz, holland s francia skkel bszklkedhet.
- Szeret olvasni. Egyik kedvenc knyve az Anna Frank naplja s a The Power of Now.
- Ktn tanul.
- Gyakran vesz rszt jtkonysgi esemnyeken, szvesen segt a rszorulkon, fleg a szegny sors gyerekeken.
- Szeretne fiskolra menni, hogy rendezst, rst s sznszetet tanulhasson, br a jogi s az orvosi egyetem is szerepel az elkpzelsei kztt.
- Kedvenc sznsz: Mel Gibson - Kedvenc filmek: Braveheart [Rettenthetetlen], Dogma, The Shawshank Redemption
- Kedvenc sportcsapat: LSU Tigers
- Kedvenc tantrgy: matematika
- Hobbi: forgatknyv-rs, grkorcsolyzs, zenehallgats, moziba jrs, lgs a bartaival, jtkonykods, sportols
- Vanessa Hudgens a bartai kz tartozik.
- Egytt jrt Lauren Conraddal, a Laguna Beach s a The Hills (MTV sorozatok) sztrjval.
- Noha a wikipedin s az IMDB-n az letrajzaiban olvashat a Nip/Tuck (Ks alatt) egyik epizdszerepe (Trevor Hayes az Oona Wentworth cm rszben), Shawn egy interjban azt mondta, hogy sosem szerepelt a sorozatban.
- Nem szereti a videojtkokat, de ha vlasztani kellene, akkor a Super Mario mellett dntene.
- In Shawn's family there are a lot of nationalities: Welsh, Hungarian, Italian, Dutch and French.
- He likes reading. Two of his favourite books are The Diary of Anna Frank and The Power of Now.
- He is an excellent student.
- He often attends charity programmes and nights, he loves helping people in need, especially children.
- He would like to go to college to study directing, writing and acting, however, law and medical studies also attract him.
- His favourite actor is Mel Gibson. - His favourite films are Braveheart, Dogma and The Shawshank Redemption
- His favourite sports team is LSU Tigers
- His favourite subject is Mathematics
- His hobbies are writing scripts, roller-skating, listening to music, hanging out with his friends, going to the cinema, doing sports.
- Vanessa Hudgens belongs to his friends.
- He dated Lauren Conrad, the star of Laguna Beach and The Hills.
- However wikipedia and IMDB claim that he played Trevor Hayes in Nip/Tuck (in the episode Oona Wentworth), Shawn said in an interview that he never played in that series.
- He doesn't like video games, but if he had to choose, he would choose Super Mario.